Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The BFG 2016 online filmek

The BFG 2016 online filmek




The BFG 2016


174 Memorandum




Dolby Digital 1080p


Adventure, Family, Fantasy




Arman, Duras L. Bonnard, Ilona P. Dagny

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The BFG"

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"The only element of the entire production that inspires any kind of wonder is just how far from a satisfying adaptation the film proves to be..."

Read the full review here: http://screen-space.squarespace.com/reviews/2016/5/15/the-bfg.html
**Little Sophie's giant adventure.**

I did not dislike it, but I thought it was not creative enough. I had seen the British animation and this one retained the same story. Of course, which was originally from the book, but nothing new other than a decent computer graphics. I liked the performance of the little girl who had played the Sophie. She was the only live character until the final stage where more joins her. So she was wonderful along with Mark Rylance's CGI role.

Straight to the point, the adventure begins right away. Sophie, the ten year old orphan girl was snatched by a giant named BFG after she witnessed him wandering on the street through her dorm room window on one midnight. Fearing she might expose the giant's existence, so he had to take her with him to his country. Then there they become very close, but a new threat arises when the other giants suspect of a human's existence in their enclosure. So fighting them, followed by a permanent solution to menace caused by them is what narrated in the rest.

It was like Peter Jackson's 'The Lovely Bones' for Steven Spielberg, I mean the films that did not work for them. I anticipated a major surge in this by the family film specialist Spielber. Because I usually love his film, tell me who won't. From children to adults, his films targets all ages. But if you had seen the old version, then you will lose half the interest. That's definitely won't be the same for the kids, they will love it. There's no harm for watching it once, so go for it.

The animated '89 version of _The BFG_ was a staple of my youth, so naturally I was excited for a Steven Spielberg redo. Unfortunately, I don't think the tale lends itself well to the live action format. That, or the hands making this piece were unable to concentrate the narrative to where it went. In either case, the end product is a film with many tiny endearing moments of nostalgia that at no point come together to create a laudable whole.

_Final rating:★★ - Had some things that appeal to me, but a poor finished product._

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